What's on
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 1st December 11am Morning Worship & Sacrament of Holy Communion will be conducted by Rev Gordon Armstrong and Rev Lindsey Sanderson the URC Synod Moderator. Soup and bread lunch to follow. Sunday school meet in hall.
Sunday 8th Decemberr 11am Morning Worship will be conducted by Rev Gordon Armstrong. Sunday school meet in church with parents.
TWO O’CLOCK CLUB: Christmas Lunch is in Pendulum on Monday 9th December, 12 noon for 12.30pm. Rota for tea/coffee duty this month is on notice board in foyer. Please return quizzes by Sunday 8th December.
The Friendly Hour We meet every Tuesday at 2pm in The Lang Hall. This week we will be entertained by Castlehead High School choir. Everyone can be assured of a friendly welcome. If you would like any further information please telephone Margaret Pearson on 0141 887 4647
Tea & Crafts We meet on Monday 9th December at 7p.m. in the Lang Hall. Everyone is made welcome and this week you can join us for Tea, Coffee and Christmas Pies.
Kelvingrove Recitals David will be playing at Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery at 1pm on Tuesday 10th December and Thursday 19th December. All welcome.
TRINITY LUNCH CLUB: The next meeting of The Lunch Club is at 12.30pm on Wednesday 11th December in The Wynd Centre. Children from Gallowhill Primary School will be entertaining us and getting us into the Christmas spirit. If you wish to come along please add your name to the list in the vestibule so that we have numbers for catering. Everyone welcome.
GIRLS’ BRIGADE: 2nd Paisley Girls' Brigade are holding their annual Christmas Coffee Evening on Thursday 5th December from 7- 8.30pm. Tickets are priced at £2.50 per adult and £1.50 per child and includes tea/coffee and mince/apple pie. All are welcome to join us.
Christmas Cracker Join us in the Main Hall for a traditional family Christingle service and the chance to enjoy some well loved Christmas songs too. Refreshemnts will be served and all ages are welcome. Tickets available after today’s service and for the next two Sundays.
Mission Boxes A reminder that mission boxes can be returned to Carolyn Cowan or Jim McDougall. Help us to make awards to local organisations.
Mid week services These short services are on at 11am every Thursday, in the Wynd Apse.
Tea & Toast Drop in - Every Tuesday morning from 9.30am - 11.30am. Free Tea & Toast in the Wynd Café will resume on Tuesday 16th January 2024 from 9.30 -11.30am. You can be sure of a friendly welcome at this free drop in at The Wynd Centre. Click here for details.
Flowers Our Flower Team are now able to arrange our Church Flowers and would be pleased to speak to anyone regarding special dates that they may wish to commemorate. Donations to the Flower Fund would be greatly appreciated.
Items for Oracle Any items for inclusion in next week's Oracle should be passed/emailed to the office before Wednesday. Email [email protected]
Used Stamps Seonaid Prentice thanks you for your support in responding to the Church of Scotland Stamp Appeal. The used stamps now go tosupport the Malawi Project, ‘Firmly Planted’, which helps the Church of Central Africa (Presbyterian) improve nutrition agricultural productivity and aims to establish self-supporting tree nurseries to nurture and protect the Environment.
Foodbank As the Foodbank are experiencing exceptional demand they are in need of all types of foodstuffs urgently.
Please note that as well as donations of food, which are always welcome, you can support the Food Bank by making an online donation or bank transfer. To donate online, go to https://renfrewshire.foodbank.org.uk/ Follow the link to ‘Donate Online’, which takes you to a new page with various donation options. Or, you can credit the bank account by internet/mobile/ telephone banking, using the following details. Sort Code: 83-46-00 Account number: 11350487 Account name: Renfrewshire Foodbank.
Taxi - if anyone has difficulty in getting to Church on a Sunday please speak to Gordon Hamilton.